Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Let's just begin...

How does one begin a blog without seeming terribly ego-centric? In one sense the whole notion of blogging seems a bit self-absorbed, quite different from private journaling and keeping a diary for personal reflection. To share my thoughts with the world. Why would anyone else care what I think...about anything? I've pondered this question, and have no real answer except when I consider the following - why do I care what others think? My answer - because my perspective is limited. I can only occupy this local space around my body at any given time, and therefore the world around me is incredibly finite. So, I appeal to the perspective of others. Not for definition but in addition.

I'm beginning this blog really for myself to be perfectly honest, though I do hope that those of you I share it with will gain from it as well. I'd like to keep for myself a log of some articles I find interesting, and my thoughts about them at the time. I am no great writer, so my plan is to primarily link to articles and commentaries others have written and share my thoughts about them. I may also invite other authors to contribute to this blog as well if there is interest.

Why focus on worldviews? Well, put simply, that's all there is really. The crux of all news stories, in my opinion, is the competition of opposing worldviews. Politics, violence, legal matters, religion, etc - all events are the summation of the basic beliefs (i.e. worldviews) of the participants and witnesses to those events.

Without being too long-keystroked about it, let's just begin.

And I can think of no better way to begin than by sharing the words of Chuck Colson. Please read the linked article and feel free to comment.

The Christian challenge today is not to be “us vs. them,” but to lovingly approach the world and say, “There are two battles going on, and we want to show you why our way is better.”

P.S. Here's Wikipedia's definiton of worldview.

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